Conditions for Use of Suit Conference

Version date: 29.05.2023

What is Suit Conference?

Suit Conference is an easy-to-use video conferencing system that may be used by subscribers of all operators by choosing a free monthly trial package over the website or purchased with monthly and annual membership options with varied subscription fees, allowing its users to hold meetings over web, mobile and desktop apps by sharing the link of chat room with secure video and audio chat at high quality. Thank you for using Suit Conference!

What does this Page contain?

The Conditions for Use of Suit Conference available on this page (hereinafter referred to as “Conditions”) contain the basic information in relation to mobile app, desktop app of Suit Conference (“Service”) or its use on the website and certain rules upon which we have agreed mutually with you for being complied.

As you go down on the page, the headings you will be seeing will be as follows:

We are aware of the fact that reading this text may be wearisome for you. Using a brief and concise expression, we are trying to lessen the bother on you as far as possible. We recommend that you read these Conditions carefully. You are required to acknowledge the Conditions for you to be able to make use of Suit Conference. If you do not accept any part of what is written herein, you are required not to use Suit Conference. By signing up for Suit Conference or accessing to Suit Conference over , you are deemed to have acknowledged these Conditions.

If Lifecell Bulut determines that you have failed to comply with the Conditions for Use or is convinced reasonably in this direction, it is entitled to suspend your use of Suit Conference. For detailed information, you may examine the heading “Suspension and Termination” given below.

In addition to what is expressed herein, a privacy notice (Suit Conference Privacy Notice) is also available with regard to processing of your personal data within the scope of your use of the Service. You may find detailed information relating to your personal data there.

Information on Application Ownership

Suit Conference is offered by Lifecell Bulut Çözümleri A.Ş. (“Lifecell Bulut” or “us”) residing at the address Aydınevler Mahallesi İsmet İnönü Cad. Küçükyalı Ofis Park B Blok Apt. No: 20 Maltepe/Istanbul, with Tax ID number 6081256763.

Within the scope of your use of Suit Conference, the features and services offered to you may vary based on the region in which you are found and the operator you are using dependent on the geographical region you are in and some of the services may be offered against certain fees. Within this scope, you may enter into a contractual relationship with third parties with which Lifecell Bulut is in cooperation. In such a case, we remind you of the fact that the provisions in related agreements will also apply together with these Conditions.

General Conditions

Age Limitation: In order to be able to use Suit Conference, you are required to be minimum at the age of 13 (or at the age at which you are granted by the laws in your country the power to use the Service without the approval of your parents or guardian). Minors under the age of 13 may use Suit Conference only over the accounts administered by education institutions and assigned to them or under the supervision of their parents or guardians with their consent.

Membership: For use of Suit Conference, you are required to create a membership using your mobile phone number, your e-mail address, your name and family name information as well as the password you are going to create. When signing up for Suit Conference, you should not make any unreal statements, should use your current mobile phone number, e-mail address and your name and family name information and, in case you change the same, you should replace this information of yours at the address .

By signing up for Suit Conference, you acknowledge receiving messages and/or phone calls containing registering codes from us or third party service providers to be used to verify your phone number.

In case it is understood that you have not satisfied the conditions sought for membership, Lifecell Bulut may impose on you the acts as it deems necessary which are available under the heading “Suspension and Termination”.

Your Account (Membership): In case you create an account over Suit Conference, you are required to keep your name-family name, mobile phone number, password and e-mail address and payment information in confidence and not to share these information with any third parties. If you think that another person other than you has this information or you suspect of this, please inform us by clicking on “Contact us” available at .

To Delete Your Account: After logging in to Suit Conference application, you can delete it by clicking the "Delete My Account" button in the "My Account" page. When you delete your account; your information regarding the use of Suit Conference (name and surname, e-mail address, phone number if available, meeting information if you have scheduled meetings with a future date, meeting recordings, if any, etc.) will be permanently deleted. If you want to use Suit Conference again after your account has been deleted, you must create a new account.

Links: The links directing you from Suit Conference to the websites of third parties are offered to you only with a view to providing you with ease of use or when establishing connection with other users. If you use such links, you depart from Suit Conference. Lifecell Bulut does not control such websites and assumes no responsibility for such websites, the contents of such websites or their accessibility. Lifecell Bulut does not support such websites or the materials available on such websites nor does it represent them in any way. Access by you through Suit Conference to third party websites is totally under your responsibility.

Technical Constraints: You may have access to the platforms, devices and versions supported by Suit Conference for it to run properly from the address . These may change and be updated from time to time. For this reason, should you fail to have access to Suit Conference or benefit from Suit Conference with its entire scope due to any reason whatsoever, Lifecell Bulut shall not have any responsibility for this situation.

Changes and Adjustments: Lifecell Bulut may at all times revise the content of the Conditions for Use. For you to learn the changes we make, you should check this section from time to time. In case the changes we make in relation to the Conditions for Use of ours are of significant importance, we may give you more visible notices (including via e-mail or those to be made over Suit Conference).

Transfer and Assignment: Lifecell Bulut may at all times transfer and assign Suit Conference and/or its rights and obligations within the scope of these Conditions to any third party or corporation freely and without the need for giving any further notice to you. This situation does not affect our obligations we are required to fulfill within the scope of the conditions provided for in these Conditions. On the other hand, you cannot transfer and assign your rights, obligations and responsibilities arising from these Conditions to any third party in any way whatsoever.

Principles of Use

This section does, in addition to other requirements available in the Conditions, contain other specific rules you are required to comply with when using Suit Conference.

When using Suit Conference, you acknowledge and undertake that:

otherwise, you shall be responsible for such acts in person.

Pricing, Renewal and Cancellation


For you to be able to use Suit Conference, except for the free trial package, you are required to pay the fee as shall be determined dependent on the type of membership you have chosen. In case you fail to fulfill this payment obligation, your use of Suit Conference may be suspended or terminated.

In memberships with fee, the membership fee, pricing and payment conditions may very dependent on the type of membership. You may have access to the page ‘Help’ at the website or the tab ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ within Suit Conference application for detailed information in relation to free trial package and memberships with fee.

In case you purchase Suit Conference together with the products and/or services belonging to third parties, you shall be liable to pay also the product and/or service fee of such third parties in order to be able to continue using Suit Conference; otherwise, your use of Suit Conference may be suspended or terminated.

The internet access necessary for you to use Suit Conference and the fees and charges that may arise therefrom shall be assumed by you. In case you are unable to have access to Suit Conference or benefit form Suit Conference with entire scope thereof due to reasons arising from your internet service provider, Lifecell Bulut does not assume any responsibilities.

Renewal and Cancellation

If you benefit from Suit Conference using free trial package, you may terminate your membership from the page ‘My Account’ after logging into the website address or you may transmit your request for terminating your membership from the area ‘Contact Us’ on webpage It is sufficient for you to delete the application from your device following the instructions of your device manufacturer in order to quit the application ‘Suit Conference’.

The conditions for renewal and cancellation of your Suit Conference membership with fee may vary based on the type of membership you purchased and, on this subject, the provisions and conditions referred to in the Membership Agreement shall apply.

You may access to the detailed information relating to the process of renewal and cancellation at the address . As Suit Conference is an intangible service performed on electronic environment in an instant and delivered to consumer in an instant by its nature, you do not have any right of withdrawal and your requests for cancellations shall therefore be able to be effective at the end of the related membership period and/or invoicing period only.

Intellectual Property Rights, Contents and License

Intellectual Property Rights: Lifecell Bulut is, except for open source codes used in Suit Conference, the proprietor or owner of right of use of any and all intellectual rights in relation to Suit Conference brand, trade name, logo, domain name and all other elements of Suit Conference brand and the Contents thereof. Said rights are protected by copyright laws and international agreements throughout the world.

The License we grant to you for you to use Suit Conference: On condition that you acknowledge these Conditions, we grant to you a non-exclusive, non-assignable, cancellable license limited to the period of use for you to use Suit Conference for intended purposes referred to herein except for open source codes that may be available. Therefore, we express that you should not behave in such a way that you go beyond the scope of said license; otherwise, legal responsibility of yours may arise.

Contents available in Suit Conference: Any and all kinds of contents (“Contents”) including those available within Suit Conference and those created by the user and/or those participating in the meeting of user Over Suit Conference (“User Content”) are for personal use of the user and those participating in the meeting of user. It is prohibited to use the Contents commercially in any way whatsoever. Otherwise, Lifecell Bulut reserves any kinds of rights of indemnity.

We express that you shall be responsible in person for any infringements of any intellectual and industrial property rights that may arise from use by you of these Conditions in an inappropriate way and Lifecell Bulut may recourse to you for any and all kinds of damages it is to sustain including the sums Lifecell Bulut is to be required to pay to respective right holders.

User Content and the Rights you grant to us

The User Content within Suit Conference is not controlled or superintended by Lifecell Bulut such that, so long as the same is applicable technically and practically and depending completely on our decision, we may control, superintend, reject, change or delete any User Content we consider does not comply with the Principles of Use afterwards. Lifecell Bulut does not commit any access to User Content either in part or in whole or recording of User Content in its form as it is sent, received or used by you in any way whatsoever.

Infringements of Content: If you consider that the Contents infringe your rights or the rights of a third party of which you are a representative or the Principles of Use, Please inform us sending an e-mail over the address .

When sending a notification to us in this context, we kindly request you to include the following information in the e-mail you will send to us:

(a) your name and contact information,

(b) the location of the content believed to have constituted an infringement on Suit Conference and which of the following it infringed: (i) your rights, (ii) the rights of a third party of which you are a representative, or (iii) the Principles of Use; and

(c) the definition, explanation of the right asserted to have been infringed and to whom such right belongs.

Lifecell Bulut shall take such actions or measures as it deems fit in accordance with the nature of the content you have notified. This also comprises not taking any action in case it is decided by Lifecell Bulut that said content has not infringed any rights of any person or the Principles of Use. Lifecell Bulut is not liable to negotiate the action or actions it has chosen to realize following the notification you have sent or notify you of these subjects.

Lifecell Bulut is entitled to suspend and terminate the accounts of users infringing the Principles of Use. Also in case you misuse the notification channels, you are likely to come across similar outcomes.

Problems that may be encountered in the Service and Legal Disputes

Suspension and Termination: Use of Suit Conference that does not comply with the Principles of Use listed above and in such a way to exceed the scope of license granted to you constitutes the violation of the Conditions for Use significantly and may give rise to realization by us of one or all of the following acts listed below:

(a) termination of your right to use Suit Conference promptly, temporarily or permanently or deletion of related user contents;

(b) Indemnification by you of all damages that may arise due to violation and/or;

(c) sharing the information in relation to such violation with competent authorities where deemed necessary and to the extent necessary.

Those that may be made in case of any violation are not limited to those listed above and Lifecell Bulut may impose such other sanctions and take legal actions as it deemed necessary by it. Therefore, you acknowledge that you will not claim any right from Lifecell Bulut.

Interruption or Change of the Service: Lifecell Bulut shall exert reasonable effort for Suit Conference to run properly. However, there may be temporary interruptions due to updates required to be made in certain emergencies (such as state of emergency, force majeure conditions, technical problems, maintenance, testing or studies to be made for reflecting the legal requirements on the implementation). Lifecell Bulut is at all times entitled to change or suspend the Suit Conference service either in part or in whole and either temporarily or permanently without the need for giving a prior notice or obtaining consent and without showing any reason therefor.

Disclaimer: Lifecell Bulut reserves the right to be able to restrict access to Suit Conference and terminate Suit Conference at any time without giving any notice. Lifecell Bulut shall not be held responsible for any technical problems, failures or deficiencies you may come across during your use of Suit Conference as well as for failure to have access to Suit Conference at any time and for any duration. In case of being notified of such a failure, Lifecell Bulut shall exert reasonable effort for correction of such failure within the shortest time.

Acts of god, war, immobilization, states of fire, governmental and administrative authority orders and similar conditions coming into existence in such a way to suspend the Service either in part or in whole and temporarily or permanently and/or make the same it impossible are considered force majeure circumstances in which conditions Lifecell Bulut shall not be held responsible towards you due to failure by it to fulfill its obligations.

Lifecell Bulut does not make any commitment relating to the Service and offers the Service on an “as-is basis” without any condition or warranty. Lifecell Bulut assumes no responsibility for any loss or damages (whether directly or indirectly) arising from use of Suit Conference. Nonetheless, the aggregate responsibility of Lifecell Bulut towards you or your legal heirs with respect to any claims in connection with Suit Conference or use of Suit Conference is in any event limited to the sum you have paid to Lifecell Bulut over the past twelve month because of use of Suit Conference.

Severability: In case any of these Conditions is held invalid, other provisions and conditions shall preserve their validity to the extent legally possible.

Jurisdiction and Governing Law: Any dispute in relation to Suit Conference shall, without regard to rules of conflict of laws, be settled exclusively by Istanbul Anatolian Side Courthouse courts and Enforcement Offices subject to Turkish laws. Nevertheless, Lifecell Bulut reserves the right to bring lawsuit in the country in which you reside or any related third country due to violation of these Conditions for Use.

Contact us: Should you intend to provide us with any feedback on subject of Suit Conference, you may reach us by clicking on “Contact us” available at .